The voting will begin at 5:00 PM on October 26, 2014, and all votes must be received by 10:00 AM on October 30, 2014. The game that receives the most votes will be featured as the Game of the Week in a pregame segment on FOX 5 News.
There is no limit to the number of votes allowed per person. Voting must be manual. No bots or other automated voting is allowed. Sponsor is not responsible for errors, omissions, interruptions, deletions, defects, or delays in operations or transmissions, or technical, network, telephone equipment, electronic, computer, hardware, or software malfunctions of any kind, or inaccurate transmission of or failure to receive user votes. If any person deliberately damages or attempts to damage any web site or otherwise undermine the legitimate operations or rules of the vote, FOX 5 reserves the right to institute civil or criminal action against such person, and the affected school(s) may be disqualified in FOX 5’s discretion.
FOX 5 reserves the right to cancel the vote, or, at its option, to select the winner by alternate means if, in FOX 5’s discretion, the voting becomes technically or otherwise corrupted. FOX 5 reserves the right to eliminate votes made in violation of these voting rules.
In the event of a tie, there will be a vote off. If after the vote off there is still a tie, FOX 5 will select the winner by random drawing from among the tied schools.